ECG Device
ECG recording is one of the most important and widely used cardiac diagnostic procedures. Technologies for ECG recording are evolving rapidly and vary widely in form and scope. Well-known innovations include ECGs from Smartwatches and technologies that can record ECGs over longer periods of time, such as innovative Holter solutions and ECG devices.

Your clinical care.
With today's technological progress, the number of ECG recordings and the desire for ECG evaluations are increasing rapidly. Even outside of clinics and hospitals medical laymen have the technical ability to perform ECG recordings on their own.
Optimal medical ECG usage requires an accurate and precise review and description of the ECG tracing at every single heartbeat. Only with such an analysis you - the attending physician - can optimally use the ECG for medical diagnosis and therapy determination.
Automatic analytic algorithms are available but limited in their accuracy. The rapidly increasing number of self- and 3rd-party-recorded ECG tracings further stretches resources in hospitals, clinics and care facilities.

Our logistical service.
Our specialized team will provide you with a high-quality ECG analysis service. We will analyze your patients’ ECG regardless of the recording technology and provide you with the result for further diagnosis and therapy decisions.
We offer you a comprehensive ECG analysis service for your daily practice / clinic / care. You can also simply send us a single ECG tracing for review. All we need here is a PDF file.
If you have further questions, are interested in our service and would like to get more information, please contact us directly.