Remote monitoring for pressure sensors.


Implantable pressure sensors are small electronic implants which are used to monitor the pulmonary artery pressure in patients with heart failure.

To optimize heart failure management, implantable pressure sensors have a "telemonitoring" function which enables daily transmissions of the actual pulmonary artery pressure for timely medical decision making.

Your clinical care.

Patients with heart failure need intensified and professional medical care. Even in periods of well-being deteriorations may occur, which - if not detected in time - can lead to dangerous deteriorations of the disease.

The implanted pressure sensor enables early detection and prompt therapy adjustment with regard to heart failure medication and timely indication for further invasive measures.

It is known from scientific data that with such intensified patient care well-being improves, quality of life increases, and both frequency of hospitalization and mortality decrease.

Since heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias often co-exist, most patients with a pressure sensor also wear a defibrillator, pacemaker or loop recorder. Therefore, as a unique offer, our team not only reviews the transmissions from your patients’ pressure sensors, but we also track the data from all your patients’ other cardiac devices. Bringing this information together gives you unique differential diagnostic insights and a holistic approach to managing your complex heart failure patients.

This creates a close and long-lasting patient relationship in which you, as the attending physician, are informed and competently on hand when your patient needs you.

Our logistical service.

Due to your patients’ progressed heart failure status, timely data processing is the most important requirement for professional pressure sensor management. Connectivity issues and monitoring of co-existing arrhythmia devices are additional challenges. Patients often transmit their data to different manufacturers with the corresponding variety of transmission networks, server structures, transmission protocols and user interfaces.

With a lot of experience, we can solve these challenges for you. Our service is vendor independent. Every working day, our specialized team looks at all transmissions sent from pressure sensors, defibrillators, pacemakers and loop recorders of your heart failure patients. These analyses are performed on the manufacturer's server or after transmission to our monitor center.

In case of abnormal pressure values and if agreed upon, our team will also be happy to contact patients to inquire about their general health status along with a structured heart failure interview. Manual co-interrogation of co-existing arrhythmia devices can be added as needed.

Relevant information is selected, bundled and forwarded to you. This is our service, so that you as the attending physician can decide on your further medical treatment promptly and precisely.

If data quality of pressure values is limited or transmission connectivity is lacking, our team will contact your patients to clarify root causes and repeat the transmission if necessary.

Our processes comply with the requirements of the current resolution of the Joint Federal Committee of Physicians and Health Insurers (G-BA) on telemonitoring in heart failure.

If you have further questions, are interested in our service and would like to get more information, please contact us directly.